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ghbfghf : dfdxfsdrtgfwe

Disposing skills(2moons gold) on enemies is quite fun, and the bloody aftermath can be gory but suiting to the game's dearth ridden at

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Tvorba: 03/05/2010 02:44
Aktualizovat: 03/05/2010 02:45
Články 1
Návštěvy v týdnu 3301
Celkem návštěv 729

ghbfghf :: dfdxfsdrtgfwe

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Článek: Gameplay Guidings in 2Moons - 03/05/2010 02:45


Disposing skills(2moons gold) on enemies is quite fun, and the bloody aftermath can be gory but suiting to the game's dearth ridden atmosphere in 2Moons. One of the real highlights of the combat and gameplay is the Segnale's awesome looking whip attacks and the developers just did a phenomenal job making it all look authentic, and having the enemies react and respond appropriately to the attacks.

Another highlight of the gameplay is that even though there are still the traditional hit or miss roll dice being used to cast, attack and defend, the transition of the roll dice with the actions on-screen are completely and entirely seamless. For example, if the invisible dice rolls a successful block for the player character(2Moons powerleveling), the animations on-screen will actually show the character block an actual attack from the enemy, without clicking or showcasing any kind of blotched animations, as it is present in most MMOs. That is the content, hope it could help you more or less.